Julia Kolter, from Philipp Henneke’s research group at the Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, has been selected as one of the Faculty of Medicine’s new cohort of Medical Scientist Fellows, starting 1 January 2020.
The EQUIP- Medical Scientist-Programme offers funding for excellent Medical Scientist from the medical, technical, mathematical or life sciences, who are not pursuing clinical training. The programme is intended to help Medical Scientists pursue their scientific career goals in Freiburg’s University Medicine and to pave their way into scientific independence.
With this programme the Faculty of Medicine specifically aims at supporting Medical Scientists whose scientific projects have a clear focus on translational research. Translation is a process engaging various disciplines in order to develop preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures from basic knowledge and scientific results of disease-oriented research. Translation requires a long-term cooperation of various disciplines including clinician and non-clinician scientists. Such interdisciplinary exchange as well as acquisition of competencies particularly required in translational research is fostered by the curriculum of the programme and through tandem-mentoring with a clinician and non-clinician mentor.
Congratulations, Dr. Kolter!