More information about funding opportunities and about regular seminars. If you have information about an event or deadline that you would like to be posted here, please contact us.
All Events and Deadlines | Funding Deadlines | Meetings and Conferences | Seminars, Talks, and Training Events
Topic: Proteomics Speaker: Prof. Oliver Schilling, Institute for Surgical Pathology [...]
Training course on Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Paediatric Infectious Diseases (PID) is a recognised sub-speciality by the [...]
TRR 359 PILOT Seminar Series: Perinatal Immunity
We warmly invite you to attend the first seminar of [...]
Funding Opportunities for Clinician Scientists
The coordination office of the Berta-Ottenstein-Programm of the Faculty of [...]
Kolloquium Perinatalmedizin
Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, liebe Hebammen, liebes Pflegepersonal, wir freuen [...]
Translation and Reverse Translation
Speaker: Prof. Anna Köttgen, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology This lecture [...]
Funding Opportunities for Medical and Data Scientists
The coordination office of the Hans A. Krebs Medical Scientist [...]
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Master class
The EU Offices of the University of Freiburg and of [...]
EU Funding Opportunities: How to Apply for an ERC Grant?
Participants will receive information on the various funding lines (Starting [...]
Save the Date: Information Event on ERC Grants
Venue: Rectorate building at Fahnenbergplatz, Friedrichstraße 39 The Office of [...]
DFG Funding Opportunities from a Reviewers Perspective
As part of the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Day [...]
About FAIR Data – Why It Is Important for You, Your Scientific Community, Funding Agencies and Sustainability
The handling of research data and knowledge in compliance with [...]
Research Day of the Faculty of Medicine: Turning Data-Driven Research into Health Benefits
The fourth Research Day of the Faculty of Medicine entitled [...]
Getting Published and Mastering Peer Review
In this two-day course aimed for young researchers, you will [...]
Freiburg Medical Faculty Research Day
Research Day ‘Turning Data-Driven Research into Health Benefits’ The Research [...]
‘Grant Writing Tips’ Lunchtime Seminar – Funding and more
This seminar will provide valuable tips on the writing of [...]
“Open Access Publishing and Funding” – Lunchtime Seminar – Funding and more
This seminar provides basic knowledge in the field of Open [...]
Prospects: Online Talk Series on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) offers funding opportunities for scientists of [...]
Digital Media in Childrens’ and Young Adults’ Welfare – Chances and Risks
This experts' event on the role of Digital Media on [...]
Save the date: Round-table discussion „Building a Strong Foundation: Tips and Tricks for Kickstarting Your Research Career“
The Faculty of Medicine warmly invites you to its seventh [...]
Information about events and deadlines is provided as a convenience and does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by RE4CH or the Freiburg Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Although we make every effort to ensure information about events and deadlines is accurate, up to date and relevant, we cannot be held liable for incorrect information on this site (changes to details of events and deadlines are always possible), nor are we responsible for pages maintained by external providers.