Center for Pediatrics – Hilda Biobank Freiburg

Hilda Biobank Freiburg

Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Breisacher Str. 62
79106 Freiburg

The Hilda Biobank Freiburg at the Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine is a biobank specifically for children and adolescents. The Hilda Biobank Freiburg enables biomaterial from children and adolescents to be used in a targeted and transparent way. Children and adolescents donate biomaterials – normally residual material from diagnostic procedures – with “broad consent” to research. The biomaterials are used exclusively for medical, non-commercial research to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases occuring in these age groups (“children donate for children”).

More information about the Hilda Biobank Freiburg is available (in German) on the webpage of the Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.


The Hilda Biobank at the Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine) was established to improve research into health and disease in children and adolescents.The biobank processes and stores biomaterials such as skin, muscle, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, bone marrow or other tissues (such as oral mucosa or hair roots) from children and adolescents, as well as collecting associated clinical data. A large proportion of the biomaterial and clinical data is donated by patients at the Freiburg Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. In addition, biomaterials from national and international patient study groups and professional societies are held in trust in the Hilda Biobank Freiburg.

Samples used for diagnosis are often no longer needed after completion of these investigations. By donating this biomaterial to the Hilda Biobank Freiburg, children and adolescents enable new research into health and a range of diseases that affect young people. The donated biomaterials in Hilda Biobank are used exclusively for medical, non-commercial research aimed at improving the prevention, recognition and treatment of diseases in childhood and adolescence. The Hilda Biobank Freiburg also supports the national and international cooperation of researchers by providing cooperation partners with biomaterials and data for research projects, following an expert assessment.

The Hilda Biobank Freiburg was named after the Grand Duchess Hilda von Baden (1864-1952), whose commitment to sick children led to the founding of Freiburg’s first pediatric hospital.

The Hilda Biobank Freiburg is a service institution and is located in the Clinic for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. It is available to all clinics at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg for biobanking material from children and adolescents.


  • Dr. Brigitte Strahm, head of the Hilda Biobank Freiburg
  • Peter Nöllke, Project Manager
  • Axel Gebert, Project Assistant
  • Jonathan Kan, IT Management
  • Dirk Lebrecht, Laboratory Manager
  • Marco Teller, Medical-Technical Assistant
  • Ali-Riza Kaya, Medical-Technical Assistant


The information and consent documents for the Hilda Biobank are available in different languages under the following link:
Hilda Biobank | documents


The Hilda Biobank Freiburg, located at the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (ZKJ), is a partner biobank within the Centre for Biobanking at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg (FREEZE-Biobank). There is a close cooperation with the central “Biobanking Core Team”, for example in the development of joint structures, the harmonisation of procedures and in the creation of central biobank documents. Biomaterials from the Hilda Biobank Freiburg can thus also be stored at other partner biobanks at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg.


The Hilda Biobank Freiburg is financed via specific donations and grants from the Medical Center – University of Freiburg as well as from the Medical Faculty. This enables the joint use of software for managing biomaterials and data.

The Hilda Biobank Freiburg is also supported by a number of private organisations, including: