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Training course on Paediatric Infectious Diseases
14 April 2023 – 15 April 2023
Paediatric Infectious Diseases (PID) is a recognised sub-speciality by the Spanish Paediatric Society (AEP). There are important and regular, local and nationwide PID meetings and congresses organised by the Spanish Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (SEIP, as well as the AEP. For many years now, members and study groups of the SEIP have been working closer and closer with PID colleagues from other European countries. This was and continues to be facilitated by the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID). The first training course for paediatric infectious diseases trainees took place in 2013/2014 and consisted of 3 modules hold in Seville, Madrid and Barcelona. This course was supported by ESPID and was extremely successful with overall very positive feedback from the students as well as the speakers. Subsequent annual courses were held in Seville and attended by around 100 participants.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also sadly affected this planned to be presential course.
The forthcoming training course will be held in Seville on 14th-15th of April 2023. According to the comments/evaluations made by the students and speakers, the course will be increased to a maximum of 120 participants; topics will continue to cover and update Paediatricians in relevant/hot topics of Infectious Diseases and Immunology and the number of interactive cases will be increased. Educational clinical cases will be prepared by the speakers and rounded up with a general discussion.
The invited speakers will be national and international experts in infectious diseases and immunology. In addition, we will invite 2-3 junior ID consultants. Language of the course will be in English.
As it was in the last training courses, it will be accredited (13h) for the students as well as for the speakers as continuous professional training (Comision de Formacion Continuada) on a national level and the students will evaluate sessions. This time, 7 speakers from the UK, France, Germany and the USA will be invited.
The aim of the 7th course is to continue to develop a national training program in PID in order to offer equal trainee opportunities on a nationwide base and on the long term to seek recognition of PID sub-speciality by the Spanish educational training board. The training course is for PID trainees from Spain and any other European country; candidates should be members of GAIP (Andalusian Group of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunopathology), SEIP (Spanish Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases), ESPID or ESID (European society for immunodeficiencies); however, the course will be open to all interested clinician.
We would like to thank ESPID, ESID, SEIP and the industrial sponsors for their continuous support.
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