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Carl-Zeiss-Foundation: CZS Nexus – “Artificial Intelligence”, “Resource Efficiency” or “Life Science Technologies”
13 October 2023 All day
The CZS Nexus programme offers postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to establish their own interdisciplinary research group over a period of five to six years. They are looking for outstanding young scientists who are aiming to embark on an academic career and who wish to implement exciting ideas at interfaces between various STEM fields. The interdisciplinary nature should be evident in the applicants’ backgrounds, in the design of the research project, in the planned composition of team and in the institutional embedding of the group. The focus of the project can be both basic and application-orientated research. In addition to the interdisciplinary nature, the research topic must be related to one or more of the focus topics of the Foundation: “Artificial Intelligence”, “Resource Efficiency” or “Life Science Technologies”. Funding can be requested for up to a total of 1,500,000 euros. Click here for more information on project durarion, application criteria and starting dates.
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